Welcome to Alice Nine Academy
YOUR PLACE FOR BLENDED LEARNINGWe are here to help you step into your classroom each day with ready-to-use, success-building video lessons.
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with Alice Nine!
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Alphabet Sound Song with Tommy Turtle ®
Course Overview Videos

Letters, Sounds, Words
Kindergarten students learn the phonograms and letter formation. Lessons include phonogram practice routines of flashcards and dictation with guided self-checking, and application to easy words. A printable full-color copy of the student Letters, Sounds, Words Notebook is available in the shop.
80 lessons

The Phonograms
First grade students learn the phonograms and letter formation. Lessons include phonogram practice routines of flashcards and dictation with guided self-checking. A printable full-color copy of the student The Phonograms Notebook is available in the shop.
25 lessons
The English Code
Students in second grade and above review 70 common plus 12 uncommon phonograms, 6 syllable patterns, 30+ spelling rules, and letter formation. Lessons include phonogram practice routines, guided application to words, and chart building.
25 lessons
Cursive Handwriting
Students learn and practice the formation of individual cursive letters–both lower case and capitals–by overlaying them on manuscript. They learn how to connect letters by overlaying cursive on phonograms. They practice cursive connections and flow with words and sentences.
25 lessons

Grammar Boot Camp Jr.
Students create grammar charts as they learn about parts of speech, sentence elements, kinds of sentences, punctuation, and capitalization through sentence experiences.
Lessons begin with reviews and routines that include music and chants; they end with students applying their learning to sentences.
The full-color 150-page Grammar Boot Camp Jr. Notebook, designed for three-ring notebooks, is available in the shop.
80 lessons
Grammar Boot Camp 1 & 2
Camp 1 – All about Parts of Speech (20 Lessons)
Students create a personal interactive Grammar Notebook, step-by-step, as Alice Nine introduces each part of speech, examining definitions and properties in depth. Includes e-quizzes and printable quizzes with answer key. A printable full-color copy of the Grammar Graphics, used by students to create the notebook, is available in the shop.
Camp 2 – All about Sentences (24 Lessons)
Students continue creating a personal interactive Grammar Notebook as Alice Nine introduces sentence elements (i.e., subjects, predicates, phrases, clauses, predicate complements), types of sentences (i.e., declarative, interrogative, compound, complex), and punctuation. Includes e-quizzes and printable quizzes with answer key. printable full-color copy of the Grammar Graphics, used by students to create the notebook, is available in the shop.
Sentence Studies 101
Alice Nine guides learning by asking questions and applying grammar systematicaly and explicitly to identify and fix fragment and run-on errors. Students apply the knowledge and skills of Grammar Boot Camp to sentences with an eye on using grammar to revise and edit sentences. Includes e-quizzes.
10 lessons
Word Study Grade 1
Alice Nine teaches spelling by enabling students to develop strong encoding (sounding out words to spell/write) and decoding (sounding out words to read) skills simultaneously.
120 lessons
prerequisite: The Phonograms
Word Study Grade 2
Alice Nine teaches spelling by enabling students to develop strong encoding (sounding out words to spell/write) and decoding (sounding out words to read) skills simultaneously.
120 lessons
prerequisite: The English Code
Word Study Grade 3
Alice Nine teaches spelling by enabling students to develop strong encoding (sounding out words to spell/write) and decoding (sounding out words to read) skills simultaneously.
120 lessons
prerequisite: The English Code
Word Study Grade 4
Alice Nine teaches spelling by enabling students to develop strong encoding (sounding out words to spell/write) and decoding (sounding out words to read) skills simultaneously.
120 lessons
prerequisite: The English Code
Word Study Grade 5
Alice Nine teaches spelling by enabling students to develop strong encoding (sounding out words to spell/write) and decoding (sounding out words to read) skills simultaneously.
120 lessons
prerequisite: The English Code
Individual Subscription
- at-home learning, single classroom use, and tutoring
- single subscription purchased for use of one individual
School Subscription
- by a single school
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